News list for " tool"

What is ChatGPT? The AI Natural Language Processing Tool Explained
What is ChatGPT? The AI Natural Language Processing Tool Explained

In only a few months of existence, ChatGPT has quickly dominated conversations about AI and risen to international prominence.

2025-02-28 17:40:03
Federal Reserve Vice Chairperson Jefferson: artificial intelligence tools may help the transmission of monetary policy

Philip Jefferson, vice-chairperson of the Federal Reserve, said artificial intelligence tools could help transmit monetary policy, but cautioned against the limitations of such technology. Jefferson said research showed that automated analysis of Fed information and automated trading increased the speed at which information was incorporated into asset prices.

2025-02-21 17:18:15
Trader loses more than $100,000 in 3 hours on Barstool founder Rug Greed token

According to Lookonchain, a trader lost more than $100,000 in three hours on Barstool founder Rug Greed tokens. It spent 911 SOL ($153,000) on Greed, but sold it for 309 SOL ($52,000), losing 602 SOL ($101,000).

2025-02-19 03:37:23
某交易员因Barstool创始人Rug Greed代币3小时亏损超10万美元

据Lookonchain监测,某交易员因Barstool创始人Rug Greed代币3小时亏损超10万美元。 其花费了911枚SOL(15.3万美元)购买Greed,但以309枚SOL(5.2万美元)卖出,亏损了602枚SOL(10.1万美元)。

2025-02-19 03:37:23
After the founder of Barstool issued Greed tokens, Rug caused the price of the currency to plunge by 99%.

According to Lookonchain, Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy issued Greed tokens and bought 357.92 million Greeds (35.79% of the total supply). He sold all his 357.92 million Greed in one trade, causing the price of Greed to plunge 99%. And he made about $258,000 from Greed. Next, Dave Portnoy issued Greed2 and currently holds 268.25 million Greed2 (26.8% of total supply).

2025-02-19 03:19:11

据Lookonchain监测,Barstool Sports创始人DavePortnoy发行了Greed代币,并购买了3.5792亿枚Greed(占总供应量的35.79%)。 他在一次交易中卖出了其所有3.5792亿枚Greed,导致Greed的价格暴跌99%。而他从Greed中赚取了大约25.8万美元。接下来, Dave Portnoy发行了Greed2,并目前持有2.6825亿枚Greed2(占总供应量的26.8%)。

2025-02-19 03:19:11
Barstool Sports founder mistakenly bought $170,000 LIBRA namesake Meme coin, causing it to skyrocket 3000%

Dave Portnoy, the founder of Barstool Sports, appears to have mistakenly invested nearly $170,000 in a random LIBRA token - not the controversial token linked to Argentine President Millai. Portnoy bought nearly $170,000 of illiquid LIBRA tokens, causing their price to skyrocket by more than 3,000%. The LIBRA tokens he bought had a different contract address than those associated with Milay in recent days. If Portnoy sells his holdings of random LIBRA tokens at the current price, he will lose mo...

2025-02-18 00:07:58
Barstool Sports创始人误买17万美元LIBRA同名Meme币致其暴涨3000%

Barstool Sports 创始人 Dave Portnoy 似乎错误地投资了近 17 万美元购买一个随机的 LIBRA 代币——并非与阿根廷总统米莱相关的有争议代币。 Portnoy 购买了近 17 万美元的流动性差的 LIBRA 代币,导致其价格暴涨超过 3000%。他购买的这个 LIBRA 代币与最近几天与米莱相关的代币为不同的合约地址。 如果 Portnoy 在当前价格卖出他持有的随机 LIBRA 代币,他将损失超过他投资的一半。Portnoy...

2025-02-18 00:07:58
Dave Portnoy exchanged 5 million USDC from the LIBRA team for 27,688 SOL

According to Lookonchain monitoring data, Dave Portnoy, founder of Barstool Sports, has just exchanged the $5 million USDC compensation offered by the LIBRA team for 27,688 SOL and deposited 29,657 SOL ($5.29 million) into Kraken. Previously, Lookonchain monitoring data showed that the address of suspected Dave Portnoy bought LIBRA at a loss of $5.34 million, and then received $5 million compensation.

2025-02-17 18:38:30
​Dave Portnoy将LIBRA团队提供的500万枚USDC兑换为27,688枚SOL

据Lookonchain监测数据显示,Barstool Sports 创始人 Dave Portnoy 刚刚将 LIBRA 团队提供的 500 万美元 USDC 补偿兑换为 27,688 枚 SOL,并向 Kraken 存入了 29,657 枚 SOL(529 万美元)。 此前Lookonchain监测数据显示,疑似 Dave Portnoy 的地址买入LIBRA亏损534万美元,后收到500万美元补偿。

2025-02-17 18:38:30

2月17日消息,Barstool Sports 创始人 Dave Portnoy 近日披露了有关 LIBRA 代币项目发行的新细节。其表示自己原本计划以顾问身份加入该项目,并在发行时购买了代币,但后来在项目顾问海登·戴维斯(Hayden Davis)告知他不能公开收到赠送的代币后,决定将约 600 万枚代币归还。

2025-02-16 20:00:40
JAILSTOOL market value exceeded 200 million dollars, temporarily reported 201 million dollars

On February 9th, according to GMGN data, the market value of Solana ecological Meme coin JAILSTOOL exceeded 200 million US dollars, temporarily reported 201 million US dollars. The 24-hour trading volume reached 678 million US dollars.

2025-02-09 15:35:00


2025-02-09 15:35:00
CZ转发Barstool Sports创始人Dave Portnoy称“垃圾币高风险”推文

币安联创 CZ 转发 Barstool Sports 创始人 Dave Portnoy 称“垃圾币高风险”的推文,DavePortnoy 表示,对于现在正在哭泣的所有垃圾币(shitcoin)持有者来说,都知道应该规则,如果正在买卖垃圾币,就应该做好失去投资的准备,这是一种风险。

2025-02-09 08:38:04
Barstool Sports founder promotes "JAILSTOOL" token in response to accusations over Meme trading

Dave Portnoy, founder of Barstool Sports, has been accused of sharing the Meme coin trade on the X platform, with some traders saying it "smashed the market" to 3.50 million fans. His previous "Montoya por favor" and "Josh Allen MVP" tokens quickly collapsed after a brief surge, sparking controversy. Portnoy announced the purchase of 50 million "JAILSTOOL" tokens and defended himself on the X platform in the face of criticism. Portnoy has promoted Safemoon in the past, and the founder of the coi...

2025-02-08 22:32:39

7x24 Newsflash

04:15 2025-03-25
04:09 2025-03-25
GMGN 联创:网页端无法买卖问题或因浏览器插件太多
04:05 2025-03-25
04:03 2025-03-25
金色午报 | 3月25日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:白宫、赵长鹏、USD1 1.白宫推动下个月将稳定币立法提交参议院审议; 2.俄克拉荷马州众议院投票通过战略比特币储备法案; 3.美SEC专员:加密行业需要明确、合理的监管权力界限; 4.赵长鹏:WLFI 推出的稳定币 USD1 尚不可交易,谨防诈骗; 5.肯塔基州正式签署《比特币权利法案》,保障自托管和节点运行权利; 6.黑石集团总裁:别对特...
04:03 2025-03-25
04:03 2025-03-25
03:59 2025-03-25
1. 蚂蚁集团利用国产芯片训练AI模型,成本降低20%。2. 京东入局具身智能 已成立多支团队进...
1. 蚂蚁集团利用国产芯片训练AI模型,成本降低20%。2. 京东入局具身智能 已成立多支团队进行前沿研发。3. 智元机器人将以150亿元的估值接洽新一轮融资。4. 阿里巴巴蔡崇信:开始看到人工智能数据中心建设出现泡沫。5. 人工智能生成合成内容“标识办法”“标识方法”宣讲会在京举行。6. 无锡市委专题研究推进人工智能创新发展工作。7. 湖南省:拟为智能农机企业提供人工智能算力平台、人机交互平台等公共服务。8. 美团正研发NativeAI产品,目标让人人都有“专属的生活小秘书”。9. OpenAI与麻省理工学院联合研究:频繁使用聊天机器人或与孤独感增加相关。10. 高通CEO安蒙谈DeepSeek:AI发展处于令人兴奋的转折点。11. 图灵奖得主杨立昆:大语言模型发展已接近瓶颈,AI仅靠文本训练无法实现人类级智能。
03:57 2025-03-25
据链上数据分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,半小时前 timothy0x.eth 疑似建仓 1553 枚 ETH,价值 320 万美元,均价约 2063 美元。 该地址曾在两周前以 2054 美元均价向 Binance 充值同等数量的 ETH,尚不确定是否为卖出后重新买回,这部分代币是去年 2-10 月分批建仓的,成本 2435 美元,若卖出将亏损 59.2 万美元。
03:56 2025-03-25
03:45 2025-03-25
03:44 2025-03-25
03:40 2025-03-25